Skitterer Stew

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HordeSkitterer Stew
Start Kang Bramblestaff
End Kang Bramblestaff
Level 15-35
Category Krasarang Wilds
Experience 111,000
Rewards 9g 80s
Previous H [15-35] Poisoned!
Next H [15-35] Herbal Remedies, H [15-35] Threat from Dojan


Gather 5 Intact Skitterer Glands.


Leza has a fever. No mother in labor should have a fever.

Mama Bramblestaff once told me that Skitterer Stew could heal almost any illness. Let us put this knowledge to the test.

Gather some intact skitterer glands for me while I get the herbs we'll need and I'll whip up a batch.


You will receive: 9g 80s


Even the jungle air is alive with danger.


Excellent! Nothing clears a sickness like Skitterer Stew.

Here, take this. It's a little memento of Mama Bramblestaff.


  1. H [15-35] Poisoned!
  2. H [15-35] Skitterer Stew & H [15-35] Blind Them!
  3. H [15-35] Threat from Dojan & H [15-35] Herbal Remedies & H [15-35] The Mogu Agenda
  4. H [15-35] The Pools of Youth
  5. H [15-35] Life

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