Side Effects

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NeutralSide Effects
Start So'narynar
End Overseer Kalvaros
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 910
Rewards 2g 43s 35c
Previous N [53-60] Juicing Up
Next N [53-60] This Thing of Ours, N [60D] Theater of Pain: Help Wanted


Deliver the potion to Scrapper Minoire.


Scrapper Minoire's use of enhancers creates unpredictable betting implications. It is quite unhealthy... for our profits!

For a nominal fee, Au'larrynar can provide you with a "special" enhancer that Minoire will not be able to resist: a potion that turns the one who imbibes it into the ultimate combatant... and teaches them a lesson in restraint, as well.

I cannot wait to see Minoire's next match in the arena!


You will receive:

  • 2g 43s 35c
  • 910 XP


This is an unexpected turn of events.


Scrapper Minoire will have to forfeit her spot in the contest.


Bring the enhancers to Minoire

Gossip Here are the enhancers you wanted.

Scrapper Minoire says: Ah, yes--a most powerful boon! I knew the brokers would want me to win.
Minoire politely sips down the potion.
Scrapper Minoire says: What... what's happening? Something's wrong...! I... I-I'm...!
Scrapper Minoire says: I'm melting... I'M MELTING!!
Talk to her again

I cannot compete like this!


  1. Optional breadcrumb N [53-60] I Could Be A Contender
  2. Complete both:
    1. N [53-60] Stuff We All Get & N [53-60] Team Spirit
    2. N [53-60] Test Your Mettle
    1. N [53-60] Juicing Up
    2. N [53-60] Side Effects
    3. N [60D] Theater of Pain: Help Wanted (optional)
  3. N [53-60] This Thing of Ours
  4. N [53-60] Leave Me a Loan
  5. N [53-60] Working for the Living
  6. N [53-60] A Sure Bet
  7. N [53-60G5] The Ladder

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Scrapper Minoire using enhancers creates unpredictable betting implications. This continual use is unhealthy for our profits!

Au'larrynar will sell you the Necessary Enhancer. A potion that turn its drinker into the ultimate combatant, and teaches them a lesson in restraint as well.

I can't wait to see Minoire's next performance in the Arena!

Patch changes

External links