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Image of Shahram
Race Flamewaker (Humanoid)
Location Next to player
Status Active

Shahram is a flamewaker that has a chance to be summoned by the  [Bleakblade of Shahram].

Before its removal, the flamewaker was also summoned by the  [Blackblade of Shahram].

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Shahram is bound to the Blackblade of Shahram and cannot resist the owner's commands. Still Shahram is not happy with this and does everything he can to break free. Unfortunately for him, the Blackblade must be destroyed if his freedom will ever occur.[1]


When  [Blackblade of Shahram] procs, Shahram is summoned. He casts a random spell and then disappears. The spells he can cast are:

  • Curse of Shahram : AE Slow Enemies
  • Might of Shahram : AE Stun Enemies (~5 sec)
  • Fist of Shahram : Group Haste - 25% (~8 sec)
  • Blessing of Shahram : Group restore life/mana (20 sec)
  • Will of Shahram : Self +50 all stats (20 sec)
  • Flames of Shahram : Flamestrike enemies (~100-150 damage)


  • Shahram is named after the Lead Producer Shahram Dabiri who is of Persian origin.


  1. ^ Monster Guide, pg. 182

External links