Server talk:Zul'jin US

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Well-known Players

This section should be removed. It is already beginning to be diluted by lesser/unknown players who apparently think they are well known. There is certainly a place for things like Scarab Lord or first glaives, perhaps moving the relevant pieces to a Server Firsts section, and removing the rest. Unless there is an objection within a week or so, it will be done. --Firekrotc (talk) 05:44, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

A misunderstanding

As a matter of fact, only Ollie and Kasteen don't have your requirements, and they are well known, even if the latter has only recently started to gain popularity. I think it's fine, for those two people do have something worth mentioning; a sense of humour. They make the oddest comments and weirdest requests, while everyone else has forgotten they are simply playing a game.

The day three nobodies are added to the well known player list is the day I will side with you and the well known player list should be cleaned or completely deleted. But simple because one person was added, a well-known person that many of us have gotten to know only in the last few months, is simply, for lack of a better word, preposterous.

Let's wait a while, maybe someone should send Kasteen an in-game mail or whisper telling him that he made in on the list, see what he says, and if he doesn't wanna be here, he doesn't have to.

All in all, I think one new famous person is fine.

-lolrapture, 7:50 3 December, 2008.

I was thinking more from the point of view that well known is a very ill defined term, one that I tried to define in a sensible way in order to keep order to a list that certainly has the potential to grow without bound. We are all well known within our respective spheres of influence after all. I agree that the list has not grown rampant and wild, and that this is not *needed* to keep the page readable. --Firekrotc (talk) 05:20, 4 December 2008 (UTC)

Oh, then my apologies, I was quick to react in Kasteen's defense, seeing as I added him. I added him promptly after one of Ollie's vanity speeches, where he stated that such a page existed. Regardless, seeing now that indeed, we are all influential in our own small knots of friends and acquaintances, I do believe that, just as was said, we remove any non-achievement [not only in-game achievements, also includes but is not limited to: war glaives set, Atiesh completion, scarab lord, etc] persons located on the list of well-known WoW characters.

My apologies for misunderstanding --lolrapture-- (talk) 08:16, 4 December 2008 (UTC}

Agreed then, here's a proposed edit. I erred on the side of removal, anything that did not fill an in-game or game-related (such as list maintainers) was removed. A case can certainly be made for the place of famous trolls both in trade and forums (and possibly their true identities) in the list. --Firekrotc (talk) 06:02, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Sounds great. --lolrapture-- (talk)

Well-known Players

Brimm <Untold Prophecy>: First player on Zul'jin to complete the Warglaives of Azzinoth == [Warglaive of Azzinoth] == == [Warglaive of Azzinoth] == set. (May 8th,2008)

Broodthorn <Transcendance>: The servers original  [Scarab Lord], he does not reside on ZJ anymore.

Brahma <Transcendance>: Known for many server drama bombs during pre-BC.

Dakotah: Known for updating the crafting thread.

Magistus <Incarnation>: First Alliance  [Grand Marshal]. Wielder of the first Alliance-side == [Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian] ==

Nordenhorse <Incarnation>: Guild Leader. First server recipient of  [Ashes of Al'ar]. Also rides a  [Swift Zulian Tiger].

Phantomgreen <Secretfist>: Guild Leader. First player on ZJ to obtain Friendly Reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Thus, the first Bloodsail Admiral. Also one of the first players to obatin the Warglaives of Azzinoth set (June 13, 2008)

Rhoz/Innate <Dawn of the Dead>: The servers top two pvpers who are rated 10 in the world.

Serr: Known for creating the progression thread.

Stolen: <Incarnation>: First Alliance player on ZJ to complete the == [Warglaive of Azzinoth] == == [Warglaive of Azzinoth] == set.

Violent <Secretfist>: Wielder of the server first and only Horde-side == [Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian] ==.