Server talk:Ragnaros Europe

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The Ragnaros Europe server is a PvP server, opened by Blizzard as part of the third wave of initial servers. It is now a medium populated server, with four guilds on the server having completed Ahn'Qiraj, and over twenty guilds having completed Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. Amicitia has cleared most of Naxxramas with only the dreaded Kel'Thuzad left alive.

Guilds of Note:

Amicitia [Alliance]: Became the most progressed PvE guild on the server after passing Nefarious by killing Princess Huhuran server first. Got the first C'Thun kill on the server and is still the most progressed Naxxramas guild with 14 bosses killed, the latest being Sapphiron.

Godlike [Alliance]: Used to be the most organized and devastating pure PvP guild on the server, as well as dabbling in a small amount of PvE. This guild's name brought fear and terror as well as respect into every Horde player on server. Godlike raised 15 Grand Marshals in just 4-5 months before turning into a PVE oriented guild. During an alliance with Honor and Glory, a PVE oriented guild, Godlike downed Onyxia, Ragnaros and Nefarian and proved that allied raids are very much possible. These days the guild is mostly focused on PvE (but still does a lot of organized PVP) and has reached C'Thun in AQ now. Apart from Nefarious and Amicitia, it is also one of the oldest guilds.

MoX [Horde]: The most progressed Horde PvE guild and second most progressed guild on the server, having killed twelve bosses in Naxxramas. Known for such scandals as the infamous 'Druid got staff of the shadowflame' topic and 'Our guild bank got ninjaed'.

Syndicate [Alliance]: A progressed Naxxramas guild, with notable players such as Nesfarato, Sona and Sargor leading their guild to success, currently has killed 9 naxxramas bosses, also one of the 4 guilds serverwide to kill C'thun.

Current end-game progression:
12-05-2006 - Amicitia doged the darkglare of C'Thun.
25-06-2006 - MoX > Anub'Rekhan
06-07-2006 - MoX put down Instructor Razuvious
25-07-2006 - Amicitia killed Grand Widow Faerlina
31-07-2006 - Amicitia put down Maexxna
05-08-2006 - Amicitia slaughterd Patchwerk & Grobbulus
06-08-2006 - Amicitia put down Noth Plaguebringer
08-08-2006 - Amicitia made Heigan the Unclean take a bath
03-09-2006 - Amicitia proved they don’t slack by killing Gluth
12-09-2006 - Amicitia has electrified Thaddius
20-09-2006 - Amicitia downs Gothik the Harvester
01-10-2006 - Amicitia waves goodbye to Loatheb
24-10-2006 - Genesis shows Viscidus how to Freeeze
31-10-2006 - Amicitia shows The four horsemen whos the masters of Naxxramas
03-09-2007 - Order of Watchers completes Atiesh. Server First and last! Gratz to them

Amicitia have also recently killed Sapphiron, cementing their place as dominators of Ragnaros Server

Players of Note:

Tillerman [Nefarious]: A human paladin now retired from both the server and World of Warcraft. Tillerman was the first level 60 character on the server, quite a momentous achievement considering he had to race against two chinese farmer rogues of the name of Hgjkg and Dsvbc. Tillerman was also the founder of the guild Nefarious with his friend Jom.

Fuujin [Godlike]: The first rank 14 player on the server, in the days when we only had Warsong Gulch Fuujin's team, later to become the founding of Godlike, built up a reputation amongst the Horde of not being worth the effort to lose against.

Arctic/Pacifik [Nefarious / Amicitia]: Arctic was an officer in Nefarious, and one of the first to reach level 60 on the server. Infamous for sarcastic comments on irc and the realm forum, but also for the days before battlegrounds even existed, where he lead the continual alliance effort in Theremore in infamous outdoor PvP. Also notably the first rank 11 player on the server. After Nefarious decided to move, Arctic spectaculary bailed out on transfer day and joined their biggest rivals Amicitia, where today he's a respected member. Has now rejoined Nefarious on Frostmane, with a warrior.

Mych [Nefarious]: Former Priest class leader of Nefarious. Sarcastic, witty, and insane are all adjectives that have been used to describe him in ages past. You can be sure if there is something cynical to be said, Mych has already beaten you to saying it. Has been in constant rivalry with two of the most outspoken members of Nefarious: Arctic and Jom both of who enjoy calling him fat and generally taunting him for his various short comings. He's playing a rogue called Mychomizer in Grief on Frostmane now.

James [Nefarious]: Ex-guild Master of Nefarious, and Grief. The first player to reach Neutral with the Brood of Nozdormu, has been the driving force behind the server's efforts to open AQ. Best known as a silent leader, he pulled strings from the shadows and was well respected among players from both horde and alliance. Has also lead Nefarious through the dark ages referred to here only as the Haomorash War to re-emerge as the strongest guild on the server. He now leads a re-made Nefarious, on Frostmane. Currently they are progressing through Black Temple.

Easylife/Szara [MoX]: Undead Rogue, but also the first Horde Rank 14. Lead lnsanity to the peak of their Pvp achievements when 4 High Warlords came one week after another. Currently an officer of MoX. Rerolled a paladin named "Szara" on frostmane and joined the guild "grief" with some of the old Nefarious members. Has currently disappeared for some time. Recently he moved his Undead rogue to another server and transfered his human paladin to Ragnaros and named it Easylife.

Undeadwoman [Invictus]: Undead Priest, the fourth to rank 14 on the server, but most noteworthy for his continual trips to Ironforge where he is unscathed. Currently a member of Invictus.

Hellshade [Godlike/Syndicate]: Ragnaros's most famous ganker, ex-PVP druid that spends most of his time killing horde players all over Azeroth. He does not, however, attack low-level players, proving to be an honorable player.

Harbromm [Godlike]: Grand Marshal by rank, this player posses a skill that only a few can match. A role model to any self-respecting warrior in the World of Warcraft.

Atebash [Godlike/Syndicate]: Night Elf Rogue, former Officer and part time Guild Master of Godlike. Enjoys both PVE and PVP (another Alliance Grand Marshal). Obsessed with reputations and leatherworking, hates to idle, often prefers solo play over parties (definitely a rogue in nature). A person to which many refer to as their best World of Warcraft friend due to his inability to turn down anyone.

Lilli [Amicitia]: Long term Guild Master of Amicitia, widely respected for his ability to lead raids and friendly attitude, led Amicitia to pass Nefarious at Princess Huhuran where they have always been ahead of Nefarious to this day. Has now retired as Guild Master in favour of Jeniwyn. Also owns 40 Splinters of Atiesh.

Smikis [MoX]:One of the first 60s on the server, Smikis is known by all for his forum posts and aggresive flaming, although not in a good way. Much like marmite, you either love or you hate this troll. Current whereabouts unknown. Rumors saying that he has quit the game and also he sold his account.

Arnold [Nefarious]: Ex class leader of Nefarious, he was one of the most skilled paladins on server. Altough PVE oriented, Arnold was also well known as an admirable PVP opponent. He transfered to Frostmane with Nefarious, where he changed his characters name to Butch, but after a short period of time he retired from the game.

Divider [MoX]: Druid officer of MoX and the cause of the 'druid got sotsf thread' that stayed on the realm forum for weeks, in which he took the staff of the shadowflame off a new member with less dkp, who promptly /gquit and made a large flame post. Also known for his peverted jokes, but they are not suitable for wowwiwki.

Rozenthal [Nefarious]: Very skilled human paladin, but best known for his elaborate forum troll posts and funny screenshots. He managed to fool entire server for three days into thinking that James, character who had the scepter for opening AQ gates, was banned from the game permanently and that the whole huge grinding process will have to be repeated. The joke raised incredible interest among server players and a lot of forum discussions, but wasn't discovered until James [Nefarious] suddenly opened the gates without any previous notification. Rozenthal transfered to Frostmane with Nefarious, but after 5 months was the first of the old school players that returned to Ragnaros.

Grzybowski [Invictus/Roflcopter]: Horde Tauren warrior, completely pvp oriented. Ex-guild Master of "Eat More Chickens" - polish guild. First player on the server to buy The Unstoppable Force. He created the bigest Ragnaros PvP Guild "Brotherhood of Darkness" (Bractwo Mroku) 158 active ppl. Achieved rank 14 One of his most famous sayings "I AM GREETING" became a topic of many humorous forum posts, wallpapers and T-shirts, many of which were created by Rozenthal.

Grendizer [Roflcopter]: Rank 14 Undead Rogue, but he is best know for his so called "S.W.A.T" (Stop With Alliance Toons). And a very active player on the Ragnaros forum. Also infamous for his pink shirt and famous saying "Thundercat's Hoooo"

Sargor [Syndicate]: The leader of Syndicate, the person responsible for his guild's progress in end-game instances. Under his leadership, Syndicate progressed over all the server's guilds except for Amicitia and established a respected name for itself.

Sidi/Kahooli [Invictus] The most retarded player on the realm, perioid.

Past Guilds of Note:

Nefarious [Alliance]: Used to be the strongest and most notorious PvE equipped guild on the server, as well as the only first founding Alliance guild in existance up to July 2006. Server first killers of Onyxia, Kazzak, Ragnaros, Nefarian as well as many other end-game bosses. Migrated to server Frostmane at the beginning of May 2006.

Laid to Rest [Horde] - First Azuregos kill on the server, also lead the effort for Molten Core, taking all boses server first up to Baron Geddon, where they were eclipsed by a hungry Nefarious. Few months ago they came back to bussiness. they did some boss kills but at the moment they re hibernated again as it seems.

Aequitas [Horde] - First Ragnaros horde kill on the server. Got Ragnaros down to 2%, whíped and were seen beaten by Nefarious for the server first kill just minutes after.

Branded [Horde] - A group primarily made up of real life Scottish friends, with other players met in the game EverQuest and previous WoW servers. Branded formed completely as a PvP unit, gradually moving up through the brackets and eventually being the most competitive group to PvP in Warsong Gulch - facing PvE guilds such as Amicitia, Syndicate and Honor and Glory. Branded were fairly short lived after becoming jaded with PvP, not from lack of challenge, but from lack of challengers. They eventually broke up after key members Phwoar(priest), Hugbeast(shaman) and Dezera(mage) quit leaving the team with large gaps.

The only member to go on to rank 14 was their moderatly outspoken "tactician" Jek(hunter) who went on to join PvE guild MoX, quitting shortly before TBC launched.