Server talk:Nordrassil Europe

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The "Best 14 guilds" are not statisticly correct are opinion/ego based. Seems like a useless piece of information, removal? Sluggo 23:27, 16 June 2007 (UTC)

Is the server lag comment still applicable? After hardware work, server seems back on form again now. -Pugro 13 Nov 2006

As with 2.0.0 to 2.0.3 patches server is experiencing daily restarts (especially during 18:00 to 22:00, up to 3 times with 1 hr outage), lags and constant Kalimdor zone unavailability :( - CMB 11.01.2007.

Things are looking much better now. - CMB 24.01.2007.

All is well now. -Saankaa 28.03.2007

maybe it's time now to remove this lag information in page start? - 25.04.2007

Or list it under a section named 'lag'. Also the lesser realm and famous nordrassilians parts are a bit tricky. Personal views are not what we want. Chem 13:07, 26 May 2007 (UTC)

Lesser Realm and Famous Nord player sections are a bit of fun. If people cannot see the satire in the Lesser Realm section they need to become more British. - Val

Point being was e.g. "Though I do have an informant that says our rank 13 premade owned the Maggy version. Screenshots!" ... too personal, who is "I"? Chem 16:10, 28 May 2007 (UTC)

Famous Nordrassilians - added by who? I haven't heard of most of those people, especially when I'm supposed to have. Xephyr 17:29, 21 October 2007 (UTC)

Made some edits, moved the faction histories above the forum troll stuff. Move the stuff about Bubbles into a different section? Not sure if it requires 2 paragraphs and a picture, a link will do. :p Srsly. Alliance history seems okay, Horde history begins from WotLK only, but i don't play Horde...

Also - Lesser realm part needed any more? Matheridon is pretty dead, maybe add something about the Germans (they are coming!) and the new Battlegroup.