Server talk:Hellscream Europe

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Guilds on Hellscream

I've noticed that a good number of the listed guilds for this server (or at least on the Horde side, that is) are no longer operational (disbanded, merged with other guilds etc.). Whilst I cannot speak for the Alliance guilds (as I have no experience regarding this side of the server), I will try and look into current affairs regarding guild statuses and provide some cleanup to the lists where possible. Perhaps some others would care to do the same, as this page is probably well overdue for a proper makeover :) Zhai 10:00, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

I thinking the same, that is if i can understand this dam page layout i whold add seclusion to the list :PRichwarf (talk) 23:59, May 11, 2010 (UTC)