Server talk:Draenor Europe

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Deio is a nub, lol

I'm thinking it might be time to cut out the section on Deio, i wrote a section back in the day to call him a nub (which he is) and someone seems to have perverted my work into another ego boost for Deio. There are two problems with this, one, if we have a section praising Deio then we will need to write sections on the many other guys who did well in the arena aka Arath, grox etc. and two, Deio does not need another ego boost, so I'm deleting the Deio section.

Also added a sunwell section and added in the kills so far.

Pvp, lol. -Grunn 25/06/08

Second! Huge Edit

It seems that Meliannia (or one of his/her fans) had been bloating this article with jibberish about Horde being bad players, and Mel being some legendary killing-machine. I've deleted the vast majority of that useless tripe, leaving enough behind to let people know about that dark period in Draenor's history. Mel (or whoever is writing this garbage), if you are reading this, I will re-edit and request to have this article locked and your account banned, should you continue to mess-up this article.

Apart from that I've corrected a lot of grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. I've added a link to the Draenor PvE Progress thread on the forums, and added a paragraph about the recent rise in population on the server.

Get in contact with me if you're unhappy with any of the changes.


Can we just remove the stuff about Mel completely? I know there's a few mentions of famous server players in the article, but I don't think we should encourage any more defacing by Mel or whoever it is by having a whole section about them.--Jack Hunter 19:13, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

First! (Serverfirst?)

Finished setting the record straight on Mel, made sure potential newcomers to the server know deio is a nub (/spit) and updated all guilds who are passed Maulgar, if anyone wants to do the rest be my guest, also thinking it may be time to delete the pre-TBC raid progression since no one cares anymore and it wasnt accurate anyway. - Grunn 01/05/07

if you know any of the guilds on the list have been disbanded please mark them as such, would be nice if the list was accurate(ish) -Grunn 25/06/07

Draenor Guild Interviews

I've just started a serie of guild interviews on Draenor. First interview was with IH, (see: Server:Draenor Europe/Ivory Heart interview)

My wiki knowlegde is not the good, so the layout is a but fucked.

But it might an idea to add links/section about those interviews on the Draenor-EU wikipage.


The interview has been moved to the correct namespace, and keep it that way when uploading future interviews. g0urra[T҂C] 10:14, 16 July 2008 (UTC)
Tnx, i'm pretty new to wiki, so all advice/help is welcome --Barish (talk) 10:25, 16 July 2008 (UTC)