Server:Scarlet Crusade US/Rahurm

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This article is an information page for the Scarlet Crusade realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.


This article is an observation.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

A notorious ninja-looter in World of Warcraft on the Scarlet Crusade server.


This page contains sufficient whining about players. To prevent ninja looting, use Master Loot, or don't group with people you put no trust in. Thank you.


Ra•hurm [Ray-herm]

A term used to denote a ninja-looter, the act of ninja-looting, or having been a victim of ninja-looting.

Ex. "Don't group with him, he's a Rahurm", "Dude did he just rahurm?", or "WOW! I cant believe we just got rahurmed!"

Rahurm can also be used to describe threatening someone with grievous bodily harm after being exposed as a liar, cheat, or fool; typically when faced with insurmountable and undeniable evidence.

<John sees Jane with her hand in his cookie jar>

John: "Hey! Those are my cookies! You're stealing!"

Jane: "I'll brake ur arm, nose or jaw!"

John: "Please, don't rahurm me! You can have the cookies!"



The term Rahurm started from a journey to the dungeon of Upper Blackrock Spire. After downing Rend Blackhand the body was looted. What laid before them was the Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge. The now legendary Rahurm talked the group into passing then doing a 1-100 Roll for the item. But his plan was already set into stone. After the rolls were completed he looted the item and disconnected from the server.

When Rahurm did return online he began bragging about his new (stolen) sword in the game's chat channels. This angered the other players that were in the group at the time and arguments broke out in which Rahurm was accused of being a ninja-looter. Rahurm claimed that his brother was in control of his in-game character when the ninjaing occured thereby freeing him from blame (this was later revealed to be a lie, admitted by Rahurm himself).

Shortly after the event, a thread was created in the Scarlet Crusade realm forums by Torant entitled "Rahurm =Ninja Looter! with Cool How-to Guide" informing others of Rahurm's actions. The thread grew quickly spurred on mostly by Rahurm's juvenile responses teeming with poor grammar and hollow threats of violence.

The original thread can be found here: [1]

Highlights include:

"Lol hey torant you idiot your the stupid ass that didnt ML it and my brother thinks your rules are crap need if u need lol you dont need BoP's Moron and my brother laughs at you when he see's you walking around on WoW and hey if u dont ML in a PuG u deserve to get ninjaed upon you ass"

"Mat you speak to truth man there a bunch of %*#! heads who need to be put in there place by kicking there ass's and i didnt know you lived in Australia thats cool and yea come on people learn to respect ppl ffs you never know if that SS is edited or not im FFS if you have @!*# to say say it to me and leave guilds outta this you dumb %*#!s"

"Alright Cidius if you wanna say *#!* come say it to me face in Australia and you will know them eaning of pain you lil @sshole"

It should be noted that Rahurm later deleted his more incriminatory posts (particularly posts # 23, 46, 48 and 127). However, this served only to worsen his image as he had effectively "ninjaed" his own posts.

The Gospel

Rahurm's actions and posts were so infamous they grew into a mock MMORPG religion centered around selfishness, lies, and greed.

The Creed of Greed

For Dal Rend so loved Azeroth that he gave his one and only Sacred Charge, so that whoever rolled badly on it, shall not lose, but ninja it, and live forever on the forums.

Yea, though I walk through the Upper Blackrock Spire, I will fear no Rahurm: for thy phat lewts are mine; thy rod and thy staff those are mine too. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with lewts; my cup runneth over. Surely brakeing ur arm, nose or jaw will spare me thine accusations: and I will dwell in the house of Rahurm for ever.

The Apology

Rahurm was eventually picked up by a few guilds, each of which kicked him once they found out the details of his thievery. One guild, The Rage Within, took him in and attempted to defend him. This served only to tarnish the guild's image since Rahurm's attitude concerning his actions remained unchanged. It was stated that if Rahurm was truly sorry for his actions he would apologize and make reparations to those he had stolen from. Rahurm soon posted an apology:

Hello there everyone

Look dont blame the rage within for taking me in. Gurthick wanted to give me a chance and he did and i really appreciate him for doing that. So please stop giving people in rage within %#%* for what i did Now here is my appoligie. To all those in the UBRS group i ninjaed from and all the people making fun of me im sorry for what i did but its really a simple blue that drops all the time. I did what i did because i got sick of losing the roll to everyone else so i just took it without thinking i know i shouldnt have done it i know its wrong and yes i am sorry for what i did and i will never do it again and paying everyone in the group is hard for me considering i have about 2g to my name if i had more i would pay them but i cant. So please just leave me and the rage within alone 17 pages on this forum is just to much yes i know some bits were funny and bits got me really really mad so once i again i appoligize for what i did and ill never do it again.

This half-hearted and blatantly insincere apology did not go over well with the Scarlet Crusade community and served to plunge Rahurm's already horrible reputation even lower. When members of the community did not accept Rahurm's apology the ninja responded:

Well think what you think im over this thread and i made my appoligie and yea i did what i was told to do so i did it end of story please just leave me and rage within alone im sick of this

This post verified that Rahurm was only apologizing under the pressure of his new guild and that he remained apathetic to the theft. To date, Rahurm has made no effort of his own to repay those in the fated UBRS group.

Rahurm Strikes Again

Once again Rahurm found a guild home in Tribute, and again it was temporary. Soon after joining Rahurm showed his colors as described by his former guildmate, Mansbane:

My fellow Horde, I beg of you, please do yourself a favor and do not invite this kid into your Guild.

Last night was a nice, casual night of guild conversation on the <Tribute> guild chat channel until, for whatever reason, Rahurm gets on and starts blasting away with his childish antics and insults, completely disrespecting every member of the guild who was currently on and ignoring all of the rules, etiquette, and common respect of guild chat we all agreed to when we signed on. Our guild leader is a nice guy, who was kind enough to bring this kid into the guild, despite all he has done before, wipe the slate clean, and give him a chance. Unfortunately, he was not on at the time this all took place, so what started with stupid childish behavior and disrespect by Rahurm quickly took an even worse turn. After being asked nicely be a few members of the guild to watch his language and obey the rules of guild chat, Rahurm only intensified his bad language, got even more childish and disrespectful, and attacked those who were only asking him to stop. One of our officers was on and was trying to keep the peace and end the nonsense, but Rahurm only continued to make it worse ..... telling ppl to just leave if they didn't like it. So, you guessed it, they got frustrated with it all and left, which started a domino effect. All told, I believe we lost about 8 good members in a span of about 10 minutes (it was going so fast I lost count of the exact total). It was the most disgusting thing I have yet been a witness to in this game ..... that a punk-kid could single-handedly run off soo many much needed good members of a young, up-and-coming guild who had been nice to him and given him a chance .... it is disgusting ..... and I emplore you, please do not give this kid another chance .... he will only ruin your game experience, and, quite possibly, your guild.

He has since been kicked from the guild (his third at least that I know of), and we are trying hard to bring all of those who left in frustration back into the fold. It is still hard for me to believe that this one snot--nosed kid can cause so much damage. So please, for your own sake, do not let this kid into your guild, and if your smart, your group or raid either ..... you will be happy you didn't.

The Mission

Many people on Scarlet Crusade, Horde and Alliance alike, share the desire to see Rahurm face down dead. Due to the limitations of the PVP system, Horde rarely get this opportunity.

A warlock named Beris was one of the few to document this feat, as he fought and defeated Rahurm and several Horde guards.

Video of the battle, which if nothing else is an adequate demonstration of guard behavior and capabilities, can be found here: [2]

Alen, Athina, and Graztov also tell the harrowing (though undocumented by image or film) tale of their own battle with Rahurm and an unnamed warrior. Rahurm and the warrior were attacking Sentinel Hill in Westfall. Our three heroes killed them and drove them all the way back to the Grom'gol Base Camp, where according to Graztov, Alen killed with minimal support, "Rahurm, his friend, two guards, his friend again, Rahurm again, and then the rest of the guards."