Server:Greymane US/Hexus

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This article is an information page for the Greymane realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Elected in Febuary of 2007, Hexus served as Server President of Greymane from Febuary 12th, 2007 - January 16th, 2008. Initially known on the forums for his video production studio "Hexproductions", which has published several popular WoW videos. And founding the WeaponChain movement, Hexus has been a prominent member of the Greymane Forums since shortly after the server's inception.

In more recent Greymane lore, Hexus' once benevolent disposition towards the server at large has taken a sinister turn. Hexus has successfully destroyed Greymane Horde's trade chat, transforming it into a platform for him to fire vehemencies at unsuspecting victims. Hexus has also begun questioning the state of affairs of the greymane forums, seeking to purge the boards of any 'old school' members, who have gathered acclaim simply by being around since the start, and never actually earned their fame. Hexus now fancies himself a master debater, and a vicious arguer.

Greymane remains gripped in fear of his next verbal assault, none yet knowing when, nor how it will come.

Who the fackawhacks Hexus? o.o like 1/4 the server reads the forums and now some kid named Hexus is gonna come here saying hes the server leader? Rawr man liek rawr nao. - Lamninator