Seeing Orange

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NeutralSeeing Orange
Start Mina Mudclaw [41.3, 38.2]
End Den Mudclaw [44.3, 34.2]
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 129000
Rewards Item level 399 shoulders
10g 20s
Previous N [15-35] The Farmer's Daughter


Bring Mina Mudclaw back home to her father.

  • Bring Mina Mudclaw home to her father


Those virmen... they make me do horrible, horrible, silly things. All involving carrots. I couldn't tell you how many carrots they threw at me.

Let's not waste any more time. Get me out of here!


Item level 399 shoulders
Inv shoulder cloth panda b 02 blue.png [Silkmasters' Satin Mantle] Inv shoulder leather panda b 02 crimson.png [Sunsoaked Spaulder]
Inv shoulder mail panda b 02red.png [Huangtze Scale Spaulders] Inv shoulder plate panda b 01blue.png [Paoquan Burnished Spaulders]
Inv shoulder cloth panda b 02 blue.png [Gilded Fan Silk Amice] Inv shoulder leather panda b 02 crimson.png [Plainshawk Spaulder]
Inv shoulder mail panda b 02red.png [Wild Plains Spaulders] Inv shoulder plate panda b 01blue.png [Thunderfoot Heavy Shoulders]
Inv shoulder plate panda b 01blue.png [Sunsong Armored Shoulders]

You will also receive:

  • 10g 20s
  • 129000 XP


What's all this fuss about carrots? I don't get it.


On accept:

  • Mudmug says: Where are we? Smells like... carrots and turds.
  • Mina Mudclaw says: Let's go home.

In the Springtail Warren for N [15-35] The Farmer's Daughter and N [15-35] Enough is Ookin' Enough, find Mina in the bottom of the warren on top of the carrot. Turn in The Farmer's Daughter and pick up this quest. Keep killing virmen.

If you become separated from Mina, she reappears on the carrot in the warren. Speak to her:

So... many... carrots...

Gossip Come on, Mina. Let's get you out of here.

Mina Mudclaw says: Let's go home.

On success:

  • Den Mudclaw says: Mina! You're home!
  • Mina Mudclaw says: Dad... I never want to see another carrot again.

Turn in to Den Mudclaw.


  1. N [15-35] Chen's Resolution
  2. Complete all of:
    • Hops
    1. N [15-35] Hop Hunting
    2. N [15-35] Gardener Fran and the Watering Can & N [15-35] Enough is Ookin' Enough & N [15-35] Weed War
    3. N [15-35] Stormstout's Hops
    • Grain
    1. N [15-35] Li Li and the Grain
    2. N [15-35] Taste Test & N [15-35] Out of Sprite & N [15-35] Wee Little Shenanigans
    3. N [15-35] The Quest for Better Barley
    4. N [15-35] The Chen Taste Test
    • Water
    1. N [15-35] Doesn't Hold Water
    2. N [15-35] The Great Water Hunt
    3. N [15-35] Barreling Along
  3. N [15-35] The Emperor

Patch changes

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