Seeds of Their Demise

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NeutralSeeds of Their Demise
Start Tyrus Blackhorn [22.3, 44.9]
End Tyrus Blackhorn [22.3, 44.9]
Level 30-35
Category Mount Hyjal
Experience 27700
Reputation +250 Guardians of Hyjal
Rewards  [Bileberry Smelling Salts] or  [Seedfilter Deflector] or  [Deathseed Crushers]
Previous N [30-35] If You're Not Against Us...
Next N [30-35] A New Master


Collect 8 Bileberries.


We will decimate the Twilight's Hammer by corrupting and subverting them.

Seeing that you have no intention of releasing me from my bonds, I require you to collect some reagents for me. My own demonic essence has corrupted the plant life around my shrine here. I need you to harvest some bileberries from the wailing weeds that surround this tower.

My little pets will attempt to harvest YOU in return. Try not to let them agitate one another.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv misc dust 05.png [Bileberry Smelling Salts] Inv shield cataclysm b 01.png [Seedfilter Deflector]
Inv boots plate 23.png [Deathseed Crushers]


Has the local flora been giving you a hard time?

<Blackhorn grins disturbingly.>


Very good. Please crush the berries into a pulpy liquid. That's quite an aroma isn't it?

Now now, don't gag. It's beneath you.


Kill Wailing Weeds to collect 8 Bileberries.

His gossip text:

You have talent, <name>. But mercy makes you weak.


  1. N [30-35] The Fires of Mount Hyjal (optional)
  2. Complete all of:
    • Demon
    1. N [30-35] If You're Not Against Us...
    2. N [30-35] Seeds of Their Demise
    3. N [30-35] A New Master
    4. N [30-35] The Name Never Spoken
    5. N [30-35] Black Heart of Flame
    6. N [30-35] Good News... and Bad News
    • Deer
    1. N [30-35] Save the Wee Animals
    2. N [30-35] Oh, Deer!
  3. N [30-35] Last Stand at Whistling Grove
  4. N [30-35] The Bears Up There

Patch changes

External links