Secrets of the Loa (2)

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HordeSecrets of the Loa
Start Baj'ura
End Voodoo Pile
Level 20 (Requires 18)
Category Priest
Race IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif Undead
Class Priest Priest
Previous H IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif Priest [20] Secrets of the Loa


Travel to the Echo Isles and use the offering at Bwonsamdi's shrine.


Take the offering south, to the Echo Isles. Along the island beaches you will find a shrine to Bwonsamdi, the loa of death. An offering from a Forsaken will no doubt attract his attention.

I warn you though, <name>. There's always a price to pay when bargaining with the loa. You may not be aware of what you give up now, but Bwonsamdi always collects his debts in the end.


The air around you seems to thicken as you place your offering on the pile.


Your offering bursts into purple flame as a shadow falls across the ground. You see no one, but feel the presence of the loa of death leering behind you.

Images fill your mind. A wall of masks, stretching beyond sight and laughing down at you. A temple in a great swamp, filled with souls of the dead.

As the vision clears, a laugh echoes in the air...


Completing this quest allows undead priests to meditate at Loa Altars.

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