Secrets of Undeath (2)

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HordeSecrets of Undeath
Start Dietrich Praice
End Spirit Healer
Level 20 (Requires 18)
Category Priest
Race IconSmall Troll Male.gifIconSmall Troll Female.gif Troll
Class Priest Priest
Previous H IconSmall Troll Male.gifIconSmall Troll Female.gif Priest [20] Secrets of Undeath


Travel to Brill's graveyard in Tirisfal Glades and use the Tincture of Waking Death.


All Forsaken have experienced the edge of death. To see existence come to an end, with no gods beyond it... it may sound terrifying, but truly it is freeing. Our will is our own, beholden to no forces beyond ourselves.

Go to the graveyard in Brill and drink this tincture. It will take you to the edge of death and hold you there. Face oblivion with determination and you will find your way back to the living. I can think of no better way to share what it means to be Forsaken.


You try to call out to the spirit healer, but make no sound. Its gaze passes through you without acknowledgement.


Your terror feels distant as the tincture weakens the bond between your soul and mind. An eternity of nothing stretches before you.

For an instant you perceive all of Azeroth, present and future. The thread of your fate is pulled from its tapestry and cast aside, leaving no trace. The world continues to turn without notice of your absence.

You slowly regain your senses as the tincture wears off. Was that... how Forsaken feel all the time?


Completing this quest allows troll priests to meditate at graveyards.

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