Scryer Supplies Package

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The Scryer Supplies Package is a reward from the following quests:


The package will contain some Sunfury Signets, food, water, and gold.

Depending on the reputation level of the quest reward, additional items, such as healing and mana potions are included. The amount of each item also increases with each reputation level.

At Revered, you receive 1x  [Arcane Tome], 12x  [Sunfury Signet], 3x Elixir (chosen randomly), 1-2x each  [Super Healing Potion] and  [Super Mana Potion], and 5x each  [Mag'har Grainbread] and  [Purified Draenic Water].

At Exalted, you receive 2x  [Arcane Tome], 9-12x  [Sunfury Signet], 4x Elixir (chosen randomly), 3-5x each  [Super Healing Potion] and  [Super Mana Potion], and 6-10x either  [Mag'har Grainbread] or  [Purified Draenic Water].

Additionally there are occasionally stat scrolls in the package too - The actual amount of items in the package varies, you may get 6 of each potion and 6 Grainbread, or you may get 3 of one potion and 10x of both Grainbread and Draenic Water. Tracking the packages over a decent sample has proven that it is fairly random in how much of each item it gives you, but it always appears to give you the same individual items, just in varying quantities.

Patch changes

External links

From N [25-30] A Friend in the Frontlines: From N [25-30] Honored by Your Allies: From N [25-30] Revered in the Field of Battle: From N [25-30] Exalted Among All Combatants: