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Scribbled Note

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The Scribbled Note is found in Val'sharah.

Content as a night elf

If I am a rose then I have a thorn but if I have a thorn I am not pure and if I am not pure then I am not worthy and if I am not worthy I will suffer and if I will suffer then I shall make those who are also not worthy suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer...

Content as any other race

Al O no o mush diel O diel o talah ash al O diel o talah O no anu anar nor al O no anu anar diel O no anu t'as'e nor al O no anu t'as'e O shar do'rah nor al O shar do'rah diel O fandu anar turus ano tal rini anu t'as'e do'rah nor do'rah nor do'rah nor do'rah nor do'rah nor do'rah nor....

Patch changes

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