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  • SGM-3
  • Quest Item
  • Use: Fires a heat seeking missile at a targeted Skybreaker Recon Fighter. (5 sec. cooldown, 100 yard range)
  • "The most powerful surface-to-gnome missile available!"

The SGM-3 is a powerful shoulder-mounted missile used to bring down Skybreaker Recon Fighters for the quest H [25-30] Blinding the Eyes in the Sky and its follow-up daily version, H [25-30 Daily] Keeping the Alliance Blind.


  • The SGM-3 does not need to be equipped to be fired. It has a short cast time (.75 sec) when used.
  • As the fighters are fairly quick, the following macro is useful in activating this item:
#show SGM-3
/target skybreaker
/use SGM-3

Patch changes

External links