Ring of Trials: Raketalon

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NeutralRing of Trials: Raketalon
Start Dexyl Deadblade
End Dexyl Deadblade
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 18,500 experience
Rewards 29g 20s


Defeat Raketalon in the Ring of Trials.

  • Speak with Guzrug to begin the fight
  • Raketalon slain


You may have defeated Crushmaul, but the party's over now...you've got another fight!

The Highmaul take gladiatin' seriously; so when they built the Ring of Trials, they searched far and wide for the most brutal creatures they could find!

You're up against a dread raven the ogres are calling Raketalon! I'm telling you, <name>, something about that bird just ain't right...I think it truly enjoys the act of killing!

Raketalon toyed with the last gladiator for hours before eating him.


You did it, <name>! Raketalon has actually been defeated!

I'd never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my very own two eyes. You've got a fire in your belly and dollar signs in your eyes, kid!

Here's your cut of the profit, but don't stop now! You're on a roll!


You will also receive: 29g 20s


  • 18,500 XP
  • +350 reputation with Steamwheedle Draenor Expedition

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