Ring Repairs

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Night FaeRing Repairs
Start Cortinarius
End Cortinarius
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ardenweald
Experience 9,450
Reputation +500 Marasmius
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Mushroom For Improvement
Next N [60] Fighting For Fungus


Use the Fungal Beacon to repair 6 Damaged Mushrooms.


The damage wrought here is severe, but it can be reversed.

My master is weakened by all this destruction, but mushrooms are difficult to completely eradicate. By restoring power to the rings throughout the grove, we can strengthen them once again.

Take this beacon. Use it near a damaged mushroom in a ring, and watch how quickly nature can heal its wounds.


You will receive:


The rings will be made whole again.


Together we are strong.


On accept
Cortinarius says: There is a cave near the center of the Stalks. Meet me there once you are done.

Approaching the Damaged Mushroom enables the Activate Beacon extra action button.

Beta description

The damage caused here is severe, but it can be reversed.

Our master is weakened by all the destruction, but mushrooms are difficult to completely eradicate. By restoring power to the rings throughout the grove we can strengthen the network once again.

Take this beacon. Use it near a damaged mushroom in a ring, and watch how quickly nature can heal its wounds.


  1. N [60] A Mycelial Network
  2. N [60] Silence in the Stalks
  3. N [60] Mushroom For Improvement & N [60] Ring Repairs
  4. N [60] Fighting For Fungus
  5. N [60] My Way or the Hyphae
  6. N [60] Through the Veil

Patch changes

External links