Rhino Mastery: The Chase

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NeutralRhino Mastery: The Chase
Start Hemet Nesingwary
End Oracle Soo-rahm
Level 20-30
Category Sholazar Basin
Experience 2100
Previous N [20-30] Rhino Mastery: The Test
Next N [20-30] An Offering for Soo-rahm


Speak to Oracle Soo-rahm at the Bones of Nozronn.


Well, that's settled then. We'll seek out this native sage and have a word with him. He's not likely to volunteer his services, though.

I'm told he keeps a small lean-to near the Bones of Nozronn, just across the river to the south. Seek him out, introduce yourself, and ask what he requires to help us track down this patriarch of the rhinos.


What brings you to Rahm's shrine?


  1. N [20-30] Rhino Mastery: The Test
  2. N [20-30] Rhino Mastery: The Chase
  3. N [20-30] An Offering for Soo-rahm
  4. N [20-30] The Bones of Nozronn
  5. N [20-30] Rhino Mastery: The Kill

External links