Return to the Arena

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NeutralReturn to the Arena
Start Kajind
End Fizbuz Mithril
Level 50 (Requires 45)
Category Warrior
Class Warrior Warrior
Previous N Warrior [50] Defanged
Next N Warrior [50] Fight Night


Return to Fizbuz Mithril in Gadgetzan, Tanaris.


I am an orc of my word. You have avenged me, and I will return your favor in kind. Go to Gadgetzan and tell Fizbuz he has his champion back.

I hope to see you in the ring.


You will receive:


Spectacular! Everyone'll be going nuts when they hear ol' Kajind's back in town.

And did you say you killed a dragon for the guy!? Sounds like you'll be quite the draw yourself.

I can feel it now, <name>. We're about to have a rumble for the ages in here!


  1. N Warrior [50] The Old Champ
  2. N Warrior [50] Defanged
  3. N Warrior [50] Return to the Arena
  4. N Warrior [50] Fight Night

Patch changes

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