Return to Thunder Bluff (2)

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HordeReturn to Thunder Bluff
Start Uldum Pedestal
End Nara Wildmane
Level 50 (Requires 45)
Category Thunder Bluff
Experience 675
Previous N [50] The Stone Watcher
Next H [50] A Future Task
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [50] Return to Ironforge.


Speak with Nara Wildmane in Thunder Bluff.


You access the pedestal again; the platinum discs suddenly appear once more in your backpack.

With the knowledge of the stone watcher learned and the discs returned to your possession, the time has come to return to Thunder Bluff and inform the[sic] Nara Wildmane of your discovery.


You will receive:


Welcome back <name>. Were you able to use the discs to your advantage, or was it for naught?


You were missing some discs? Interestingly enough, it seems that the discs of Norgannon are only parts of the complete set - like keys on a key ring, if you will.

If we can find the Plates of Uldum, then we could actually access the Uldum complex itself. I don't know whether to be excited by that prospect, or be terrified.

We may need to risk everything to ensure that those secrets the earth keeps which would destroy us all remain just that - secrets.


  1. H [50] Portents of Uldum
  2. H [50G] Seeing What Happens
  3. N [50] The Stone Watcher
  4. H [50] Return to Thunder Bluff
  5. H [50] A Future Task

See also: H [47D] The Platinum Discs

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