Return to Karazhan: New Shoes

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NeutralReturn to Karazhan: New Shoes
Start Mage Darius
End Mage Darius
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Dungeon
Category Return to Karazhan
Rewards 77g 60s
Previous N [45D] Return to Karazhan: Rebooting the Cleaner
Next N [45D] Return to Karazhan: High Stress Hiatus


Deliver the Box of 'New' Horseshoes to Koren the Blacksmith in Karazhan.


Thus far my Karazhan cleanup project hasn't exactly been a rousing success. Time to try something new.

New, as in new shoes... horseshoes, that is! A box of horseshoes was left outside the tower. It's a problem finding a delivery person willing to set foot inside... mortality rates being what they are.

If you would, grab the crate and take it to Koren in the stables. Just be careful passing Attumen. The huntsman doesn't take kindly to outsiders.


You will receive: 77g 60s


How did it go?


Oh dear. My fault entirely!

I should have ensured the horseshoes were in good shape before having you deliver them.

The humidity out here is a real killer!


  1. N [45D] Return to Karazhan: Book Wyrms
  2. N [45D] Return to Karazhan: Rebooting the Cleaner
  3. N [45D] Return to Karazhan: New Shoes
  4. N [45D] Return to Karazhan: High Stress Hiatus
  5. N [45D] Return to Karazhan: Clearing Out the Cobwebs
  6. N [45D] No Bones About It

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