Return the Reports

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HordeReturn the Reports
Start Keltus Darkleaf[33, 11]
End Zelanis[79, 52]
Level 10 (Requires 10)
Category Rogue
Experience 850
Rewards  [Blade of Cunning]
Previous H Rogue [12] Combining Forces


Bring Keltus Darkleaf's Reports to Zelanis in Silvermoon City.


Your sleight of hand was most impressive. There's no question that I can trust you to take these reports to Zelanis.


You receive
Inv weapon shortblade 26.png [Blade of Cunning]
  • 850 XP (or 5s 10c at level 70)


Were you able to locate Keltus?


All of these reports are from Keltus? He's been quite busy, that's for sure.

Keltus is a rogue among rogues—he rarely follows orders to the letter, and often takes matters into his own hands! Don't take that wrong, however, as he is one of my most trusted spies and we would be lost without him.

You've done an exemplary job today. Please accept this blade and guide it into our enemy's back.


  1. H Rogue [10] Find Keltus Darkleaf
  2. H Rogue [12] Combining Forces
  3. H Rogue [10] Return the Reports

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