Rethu's Lesson

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NeutralRethu's Lesson
Start Rethu Ironhorn
End Ronos Ironhorn
Level 10-45
Category Mining
Experience 14,800
Rewards Mining Technique: Leystone Deposit (Rank 3)


Report your encounter to Ronos Ironhorn in Highmountain.


You... miner... let me see your pick a moment.

<The tauren spirit eyes your mining equipment.>

You remind me of myself, when I once walked this land. Savor these moments, miner. They cannot last forever.

<With a bow, the spirit disappears.>


You will learn: Mining Technique: Leystone Deposit (Rank 3)


You saw a spirit while out mining in the wilds?

No, I do not believe you. One mustn't spend too long out mining, it fatigues the mind. You must be seeing things.

Still, something seems... different about you. You've learned something. Perhaps there's some truth to your tale after all...



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