Report to Tarren Mill

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HordeReport to Tarren Mill
Start Ambassador Sunsorrow
End Advisor Duskingdawn
Level 20 (Requires 18)
Category Hillsbrad Foothills
Race IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Blood elf
Experience 775
Reputation +75 Silvermoon City

Report to Tarren Mill is a quest for blood elves to get to Hillsbrad Foothills


Travel to Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills and speak with Advisor Duskingdawn.


Ah, good to see you here, <class>! I've a task that you are perfectly suited to.

As new members of the Horde, we need to make sure that we support their efforts and help them with their problems. That way they'll be more receptive to helping us with ours.

Travel to the Forsaken town, Tarren Mill, in the Hillsbrad Foothills to the southeast. Check in with Advisor Duskingdawn when you arrive.


You will receive:


My, my! Another of my <brothers/sisters> arrives to pitch in. Good! There is much to be done in support of our new Forsaken friends, <class>. Ask around to see who you can help out.

I know that you will support them to your utmost ability!

Patch changes

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