Reinforce Our Defenses

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NeutralReinforce Our Defenses
Antoran Wastes
Level 110 (950)
Duration 18 hrs
Followers 2
Type Generic
Enemies Houndmaster Kerrax, Reality Tear
Cost 100 Order Resources
Champion XP 6,000
Bonus Chest Various


We can't allow the demons to circumvent our defenses on Fiend's Run. Reinforce the flanks.



You will receive:
Inv legion faction valarjar.png 2x [Valarjar Insignia] Inv legion faction dreamweavers.png 2x [Dreamweaver Insignia]
Inv legion faction courtoffarnodis.png 2x [Court of Farondis Insignia] Inv legion faction hightmountaintribes.png 2x [Highmountain Tribe Insignia]
Inv legion faction warden.png 2x [Wardens Insignia] Inv legion faction nightfallen.png 2x [Nightfallen Insignia]
Inv legion faction valarjar.png 2x [Valarjar Insignia] Inv legion faction dreamweavers.png 2x [Dreamweaver Insignia]
Inv legion faction courtoffarnodis.png 2x [Court of Farondis Insignia] Inv legion faction hightmountaintribes.png 2x [Highmountain Tribe Insignia]
Inv legion faction warden.png 2x [Wardens Insignia] Inv legion faction nightfallen.png 2x [Nightfallen Insignia]
Achievement faction legionfall.png 2x [Legionfall Insignia] Achievement faction legionfall.png 2x [Legionfall Insignia]
  • 6,000 follower XP

Patch changes

External links