Rattan Bo Staff

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Random enchantments

Item Suffix Stats Bonus
of Agility +29 Agility
of the Bandit +22 Stamina, +15 Agility, +15 Critical Strike
of the Bear +29 Stamina, +19 Strength
of the Beast +22 Stamina, +15 Haste, +15 Critical Strike
of the Boar +19 Strength, +19 Versatility
of the Champion +22 Stamina, +15 Strength, +15 Dodge
of the Eagle +29 Stamina, +19 Intellect
of the Elder +22 Stamina, +15 Intellect, +15 Versatility
of the Falcon +19 Agility, +19 Intellect
of the Gorilla +19 Intellect, +19 Strength
of Intellect +29 Intellect
of the Invoker +23 Intellect, +15 Critical Strike
of the Monkey +29 Stamina, +19 Agility
of the Owl +19 Intellect, +19 Versatility
of Power +29 Attack Power
of Spirit +29 Versatility
of the Soldier +22 Stamina, +15 Strength, +15 Critical Strike
of Stamina +44 Stamina
of Strength +29 Strength
of the Tiger +19 Agility, +19 Critical Strike
of the Whale +29 Stamina, +19 Versatility
of the Wolf +19 Agility, +19 Versatility


Rattan Bo Staff is world drop from level 55-60 mobs primarily in Hellfire Peninsula. The drop rate is extremely low (less than 1% chance).

Patch changes

Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Stat squish.

External links