Ranishu Feeding Frenzy (Horde)

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HordeRanishu Feeding Frenzy
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type World Quest
Category Vol'dun
Reputation +75 Voldunai
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [50WQ] Ranishu Feeding Frenzy.



Kiro says: A pack of brutosaurs wandered into Vol'dun and caused the ranishu to start a feeding frenzy! Cull their numbers before they escalate into a deadly swarm.


You will receive:

You will also receive one of the following:


Kiro says: Four caravans were devoured in the last ranishu swarm. Thank you for preventing it from happening again.


  • Location: Eastern Dunes, Vol'dun.
  • Extra button: Grub Stomp - Leap at a location, stomping all nearby Ranishu Grubs, and knocking back and damaging larger ranishu.
  • It is also possible to click on them to jump and squeeze them.

Patch changes

External links