Raising Spirits (Townlong Steppes)

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NeutralRaising Spirits

Iron Belly Spirits
Start Taran Zhu [61.6, 79.3]
End Taran Zhu [61.6, 79.3]
Level 89 (Requires 88)
Category Townlong Steppes
Experience 196000
Reputation +250 Shado-Pan
Rewards 11g
Previous N [25-35] Joining the Fight
Next N [25-35] The Taking of Dusklight Bridge
Iron Belly Spirits.


Throw 8 Iron Belly Spirits to nearby Dusklight Skirmishers and Dusklight Rangers.

  • Iron Belly Spirits Thrown (8)


The kegs are full of my worst stock. Good for burning, crap for drinking.

I've broken out some tankards of my best spirits and had them carried out amongst the kegs though - those are for my well-deserving men! Spirits to raise their spirits after endless, grueling fighting.

Would you be up for spreading the good cheer?


You will receive:


My men deserve only the best.


There are few ways to bond with a Shado-Pan as surely and quickly as sharing some good brew.


Pick up N [25-35] Up In Flames before heading out.

Get behind a keg and put it between you and mantid within 30 yards or so, then click on it. Properly aimed, it will roll to a mantid or two then blow up, taking off the Timberhusk - "A tough wood-like carapace that reduces damage taken by 60%. Broken by Fire damage." - and doing some Fire damage. Help kill them to get quest credit.

Iron Belly drinks are found on smaller rocks out in the battlefield. Interact with them to "serve" them.


Optional breadcrumb: N [25-35] Along the Southern Front

  1. N [25-35] Enraged By Hatred & N [25-35] Taking Stock
  2. N [25-35] Joining the Fight
  3. N [25-35] Up In Flames
  4. N [25-35] The Taking of Dusklight Bridge

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