RSVP: Hunt-Captain Korayn (quest)

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VenthyrRSVP: Hunt-Captain Korayn
Start Hunt-Captain Korayn
End Hunt-Captain Korayn
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Experience 9,450
Reputation +300 Hunt-Captain Korayn
Rewards  [RSVP: Hunt-Captain Korayn]
25g 74s


Remove the threat of Gormhive so Hunt-Captain Korayn can attend the Ember Court.

  • Gorm Egg Tender slain (3)
  • Hatching Gorm Eggs destroyed (8)
  • Gormhive Gorm slain (12)


I am a Captain of the Wild Hunt, a defender of the sacred groves. As much as I would enjoy the diversion, my place is here fighting back the forces of the enemy, not attending some festivity outside of Ardenweald.

Eggs are hatching again at Gormhive and we shall soon be overrun by gormling larva. Until that threat is neutralized I cannot leave my post.


You will receive:

Inv letter 16.png [RSVP: Hunt-Captain Korayn]


Have you destroyed the gorm and their eggs at the Gormhive?


Well done. Thank you for the help.


Upon approach
Hunt-Captain Korayn says: The Hunt calls. Who will answer it?
Upon accept
Hunt-Captain Korayn says: Hunt well, Maw Walker.
Upon completion
Hunt-Captain Korayn says: I understand the value of a coordinated assault, so I will attend this Ember Court and represent the Wild Hunt in the discussions.
Gossip upon completion at 'Stranger' reputation level
I assume your hunt continues to go well, <name>.
Tell me, what prey have you tracked recently?
Gossip upon completion at 'Buddy' reputation level
How goes the court, <name>?
Have you arranged any hunts for the next session? I hope it's something new if I shall be attending.
As much as I have enjoyed our hunts together on the court grounds so far, it is always more exciting to track something new. Don't you agree?
Either way, I hope we get to hunt together again soon.

Patch changes

External links