RSVP: Baroness Vashj (quest)

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VenthyrRSVP: Baroness Vashj
Start Baroness Vashj
End Baroness Vashj
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Experience 9,450
Reputation +300 Baroness Vashj
Rewards  [RSVP: Baroness Vashj]
25g 74s


The heads displayed around Prince Renathal's banner.

Gather the heads of fearsome foes to present to Baroness Vashj.


I am no stranger to courts, Maw Walker. Having attended on Queen Azshara herself, and then later serving my Lord Illidan.

That does not mean, however, that I accept every invitation I receive.

<Baroness Vashj smirks.>

Impress me with your strength, <name>, and I will believe Prince Renathal has power that is worth my time.


You will receive:

Inv letter 17.png [RSVP: Baroness Vashj]


Where are the heads of your enemies?


<Baroness Vashj nods approvingly at the display of heads you placed before her.>

With your power behind the Prince's efforts, I suppose that I had better pay attention.

Very well. I will pay a visit to Prince Renathal and attend his Ember Court.


On approach
Baroness Vashj says: It appears your eyes were correct, Khaliiq. The Maw Walker appraches.
On accept
Baroness Vashj says: Be careful who you court, <name>... you don't want to end up in league with a monster.
On completion
Baroness Vashj says: Impressive choice of enemies, <name>...
Baroness Vashj says: You could have chosen to fight the weakest among them. Instead you chose their strongest.
Baroness Vashj says: To attract an ally such as you, Prince Renathal must have much to offer.
Baroness Vashj says: I look forward to attending his court.
Gossip upon completion at 'Stranger' reputation level
I have witnessed many princes play court throughout the ages, Maw Walker.
It is more likely to go poorly than well, even in the best of circumstances.
Your Renathal would do well to listen to his critics more closely than his flatterers.
Courts always have both. Do you wonder which I shall be?
<Baroness Vashj smirks.>

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