Quartermaster Newlem

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NeutralQuartermaster Newlem
Image of Quartermaster Newlem
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 50-70
Resource Mana
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Scarlet Crusade
Location Fenris Isle, Silverpine Forest
Status Unknown

Quartermaster Newlem is a human located on Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forest during the Forsaken heritage questline.

When the Forsaken invaded the isle, the dock where she was standing is empty, leaving her status unknown. She may have died in the attack, or teleported away like some of the crusaders did.



Say, what's that you have on you? That barrel?
Gossip <Stare with silent menace.>
<Quartermaster Newlem can't hold your gaze and looks away, intimidated.>
Fine, fine, go on then. I was just curious.
Gossip It's supplies.
Supplies? In a Forsaken barrel?
Gossip Yes.
Did you steal it?
Gossip Yes.
Is it drinkable?
Gossip Yes.
... Can I try it?
Gossip No.
Fine, but if you're planning to give that to Inquistor Fairbell[sic] and I don't get any, I'm going to tell Commander Forsythe.
Gossip Let's talk about something else.

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