Putting a Price on Priceless

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NeutralPutting a Price on Priceless
Start Briney Boltcutter
End Briney Boltcutter
Level 35 (Requires 35)
Type Heroic
Category Zul'Gurub
Experience 12,870
Rewards 9g 40s


Investigate the Cache of Madness and find the Mysterious Gurubashi Bijou.


Listen, friend. I don't know you, and you don't know me. But as long as we're both here, there's something Revilgaz wanted me to mention.

Maybe you're taking a stroll through this troll-infested jungle-ocalypse. Maybe you happen to find a priceless troll artifact or two. Maybe you bring it back to me and I accidentally leave behind a little present for ya'.

If you must know, it's for a project. And no, you can't ask what the project is.


You will receive: 9g 40s


So, did you find a thing? Because my pants are getting pretty heavy from all of this treasure of yours I'm holding onto.


What have you got there?

A crazy-looking snake idol? What am I supposed to do with this? Hit someone over the head with it and steal something that's actually valuable?

This thing is worthless!

<Briney tosses the Bijou into the water.>

Thanks for the "help," I guess. Here's your "reward."


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