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Purge the Unclean

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NeutralPurge the Unclean
Start Morhun Rivertamer
End Morhun Rivertamer
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Suramar
Experience 16,450
Rewards  [Azurefall Essence]
19g 40s
Previous N [45] Something in the Water


Defeat the corruption in the Azurefall Guardian.


Do you feel it in the air, <race>? The stage is set for us to make things right.

While you were busy I was able to track down the elder elemental that rules these waters. Its name is the Azurefall Guardian and it resides within the channels below Tel'anor.

Take the ritual focus, it should help you during the battle.


You will receive:
Inv elemental eternal water.png [Azurefall Essence]

You will also receive: 19g 40s


It is done. Already I can feel the corrupting presence washing away.

Thank you, <name>. You have done this place a great service.



Attack the mob until the quest item is usable, then kill Congealed Corruption. The water elemental cannot be killed.


  1. N [45] Tapping the Leylines
  2. N [45] Power Grid
    • Side quests:
    1. N [45] Turtle Powered
    2. N [45] Something in the Water
    3. N [45] Purge the Unclean
  3. N [45] Feeding Shal'Aran

Patch changes

External links