Pruning the Thorns

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War of the Thorns
The subject of this article or section took place during the War of the Thorns, the Battle for Azeroth pre-launch event.
HordePruning the Thorns
Level 110 (Requires 110)
Type World Quest
Category Darkshore
Rewards Item level 210 armor/weapon
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [110WQ] Blunt the Spikes.

Pruning the Thorns took place at the Ruins of Auberdine in Darkshore during the War of the Thorns.



Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Another kaldorei commander in the wrong place at the wrong time. Dispatch her at once. We can't allow her to gather reinforcements.


  • Class-specific item level 210 armor/weapon


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Cut the rose before it can sprout thorns, I always say.


Fallen Auberdine Defenders and Orgrimmar Raiders may have a Fallen Glaive on the ground next to them. Interact with one to pick it up:

  • Glaive Throw 20 yd range — Throws a glaive at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage. 0.5 sec cast. Buff lasts for 5 minutes.

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