Preparing Our Arrival

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WarriorPreparing Our Arrival
Level 108 (760)
Duration 1 hour, 1 min
Followers 3
Type Campaign
Enemies Portal-Guardian Krentos
Eredar Riftweaver
Fel Strike
Cost 150 Order Resources
Champion XP 1,800
Bonus Chest  [Eredar Armor Clasp]


Felsoul Hold was not suitable for our plans, but there is one other option. Scout out the area around Felblaze Ingress, to see if we have any hope.


  • Portal-Guardian Krentos: Powerful
  • Eredar Riftweaver: Slowing Lethal Disorienting Cursed
  • Fel Strike: Lethal Slowing Cursed Disorienting


You will receive:
Inv cloth draenordungeon c 01buckle.png [Eredar Armor Clasp]
  • 1,800 follower XP

Patch changes

External links