Power Word: Fortitude (quest)

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HordePower Word: Fortitude
Start Seer Skyhoof‎
End Seer Skyhoof‎
Level 2 (Requires 1)
Type Class
Category Mulgore
Race IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif Tauren
Class Priest Priest
Experience 85
Reputation +75 Gilneas[sic]
Previous H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif Priest [2] The Captured Seer


Speak to Seer Skyhoof and learn Power Word: Fortitude.


I am but an apprentice myself, <name>, but I can still impart a lesson to you in thanks.

Allow me to teach you how to channel the fortitude of An'she, and imbue yourself with great stamina.


You will receive:

Patch changes

See also

External links