Portal: Undercity

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Portal: Undercity
Spell arcane portalundercity.png
Class Mage
School Arcane
Cooldown 1 min
Other information
Level learned 24

Portal: Undercity is a Horde-only mage ability that opens a portal for the mage's group.

This ability's destination varies depending on what phase the user has Tirisfal Glades set to. If Tirisfal is in its Cataclysm phase, the portal goes to the Temple of the Damned in the Magic Quarter[84.59, 16.33] of the Undercity; if Tirisfal is in its Battle for Azeroth phase, the user will find themselves on a hill[69.3, 62.75] northeast of the Ruins of Lordaeron, next to Zidormi. The phase can be changed by speaking to Zidormi.

Patch changes

See also

External links