Polemarch Adrestes's Best Friend

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VenthyrPolemarch Adrestes's Best Friend
Start Polemarch Adrestes
End Polemarch Adrestes
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Rewards [Permanent RSVP]

Polemarch Adrestes's Best Friend is a level 60 Venthyr Covenant quest that becomes available after reaching Best Friend status with Polemarch Adrestes through the Ember Court.


<Polemarch Adrestes stifles a laugh, unaccustomed to its unfamiliar sensation.>

<Name>, I was just daydreaming about the first time you invited me to the Ember Court. Do you remember?

I attempted to pass off the responsibility to one better suited for the challenge, but Chyrus thought it would be good for me to grow.

And he was right! What accomplishments we have made together... and even a bit of fun.

<Polemarch Adrestes smiles big.>

You have bettered me in many ways, my dear friend. Thank you.



Quest completion
I'm actually looking forward to the next Ember Court. Perhaps I shall even accept that noble's offer to dance...
Polemarch Adrestes taps his feet while humming music to himself.

Patch changes

External links