Poacher's Den

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NeutralPoacher's Den
Start Red Bag
End Numi
Level 60 (Requires 55)
Category Warrior
Experience 6,600
Rewards  [Structural Dynamics of Flow]
Previous N Warrior [60] Red Bag Blues
Next N Warrior [60] Bookin' it Back


Defend yourself from poachers and recover the rest of Numi's materials.


Picking up the bag, you immediately notice it's nearly empty. Somehow you get the impression Numi wont[sic] trade the book for the bag by itself. But what's not empty, is the camp. You'd better defend yourself and keep your eyes peeled for more of this stuff.


You will receive:


Have you found the red bag yet? I need that stuff back if I'm going to finish these telescope upgrades in time for meteorite season!


Well, you turned out to be quite resourceful! These materials are irreplaceable to me. I can't thank you enough! Here, like I promised you, is the book Jurgens wants back. Please, take this hot beverage with you before leaving, it's cold out there.


  1. N Warrior [60] Beach Bot
  2. N Warrior [60] Mechanical Romance
  3. N Warrior [60] Frosty Favors
  4. N Warrior [60] Red Bag Blues
  5. N Warrior [60] Poacher's Den
  6. N Warrior [60] Bookin' it Back
  7. N Warrior [60] Rift Away

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