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Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor

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Pilgrim's Bounty
The subject of this article or section is part of Pilgrim's Bounty, a seasonal event that lasts one week. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.

A Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor is an NPC Holiday vendor that sells recipes and cooking materials during the Pilgrim's Bounty festival. There is one Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor located outside each of the original major faction cities next to the feast tables.




Vendor information

Each vendor sells the complete set of common items and one special ingredient that is local to their area.

Common items
Item Description Price Quantity
 [Bountiful Cookbook] Recipes 1s 1
 [Autumnal Herbs] Ingredient 10c 5
 [Refreshing Spring Water] Ingredient 25c 5
 [Simple Flour] Ingredient 25c 5
 [Honey] Ingredient 25c 5
 [Mild Spices] Ingredient 25c 5
 [Bountiful Basket] Item 20s 1
Faction Specialty Items: Alliance
Item Description Price Quantity Location
 [Ripe Elwynn Pumpkin] Ingredient 25c 5 Stormwind
 [Tangy Wetland Cranberries] Ingredient 25c 5 Ironforge
 [Teldrassil Sweet Potato] Ingredient 25c 5 Darnassus
Faction Specialty Items: Horde
Item Description Price Quantity Location
 [Ripe Tirisfal Pumpkin] Ingredient 25c 5 Undercity
 [Tangy Southfury Cranberries] Ingredient 25c 5 Oggrimar
 [Mulgore Sweet Potato] Ingredient 25c 5 Thunder Bluff