Pet Battle Challenge: Blackrock Depths (quest)

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For the achievement, see  [Pet Battle Challenge: Blackrock Depths].
NeutralPet Battle Challenge: Blackrock Depths
Start Burt Macklyn
End Burt Macklyn
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type Weekly Account
Category Battle Pets
Experience 17,850
Rewards  [Shadowy Gem]
23g 40s


Stop the Shadowy Figures.


Those Shadowy Figures are up to no good again, are you sure you want to face them? If you really want to go back in there, I'm not going to stop you.


You will receive:


I can teleport you back in there, but you're on your own once you're inside. Good luck.


Amazing, you stopped them! Who knows what crazy things they would have done had we not intervened, and at just the right moment. Well done!

Patch changes

External links