Pestilence with Teeth

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Pestilence with Teeth

Pestilence with Teeth is a scroll found at [50.1, 44.3] on the table behind the Loa Speaker with the three Loa-Infused Compies in the southeastern corner of the Beast Pens.

Compies are a plague. They be gnawing at our food, poisoning our waters, hunting our children, eating our wounded. They not be better than the rats of a sewer.

But these rats be trainable. We Zandalari see these compies as a menace. But our enemies, they not be knowing. They not be growing up with the threat of these little things and their poisons. It is time we turn these vermin into weapons.

Take them! Train them! Sick them upon our enemies and watch how they be the ones squirming. Have these compies eath their food, poison their waters, hunt their children, and eat their wounded. Prove how even the vermin of the Zanadalar are a weapon in our arsenal!

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