Pacify the Centaur

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HordePacify The Centaur
Start Cliffwatcher Longhorn
End Cliffwatcher Longhorn
Level 25 (Requires 23)
Category Thousand Needles
Experience 200-2000 XP
Reputation Thunder Bluff +250
Rewards 18s
Previous H [25] Message to Freewind Post
Next H [28] Grimtotem Spying

In Pacify the Centaur, you must kill the centaur camping north of Freewind Post.


Kill 12 Galak Scouts, 10 Galak Wranglers, and 6 Galak Windchasers, and then return to Cliffwatcher Longhorn in Freewind Post.


<Name>, I entreat you to hunt these centaur down. They shall feel the wrath of our revenge. Attack the centaur camp to the north of Freewind Post! Let wrath guide your hand!


You will receive:


Come now <name>, I know you haven't killed your share yet. Hunt them down, and I shall give you a reward for my gratitude.


For my gratitude, this is for you, <name>.


The centaur are located directly north of Freewind Post up against the cliffs that mark the edge of Thousand Needles, an area known as Splithoof Crag. It is a large camp and the different types of centaur are scattered through it, though the Galak Scouts seem to be more scarce than the others.


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