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Opera Hall: Westfall Story

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BossOpera Hall: Westfall Story
No image available
Gender Male/Female
Race(s) Human, Murloc (Humanoid)
Level 47 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Karazhan
Status Killable

Opera Hall: Westfall Story is one of the three encounters in the Opera Hall in Return to Karazhan.

Adventure Guide

Amidst the carnage of rival gangs battling for the turf of Westfall, two lovers from very different worlds fight for happiness. It is said that love is blind... but does it also need a translator?


The Defias Brotherhood and The Fins attack separately, culminating in a finale with Toe Knee and Mrrgria.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Defeat the Gang Ruffians and Shoreline Tidespeakers first to reduce the danger to your party.
  • Move away from other party members when Thunder Ritual is about to expire.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Players struck by Poisonous Shank will require extra attention.
  • Move away from other party members when Thunder Ritual is about to expire.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Back up when Toe Knee casts Burning Leg Sweep to avoid being stunned.
  • Move away from other party members when Thunder Ritual is about to expire.


Stage One: Defias Brotherhood

  • Tank Alert Toe Knee
    • Spell fire playingwithfire.png Dashing Flame Gale — Dashes to multiple targets, striking them for 213750 to 236250 Fire damage and creating a Flame Gale at that location.
      • Spell fire playingwithfire.png Flame Gale — A blazing tornado forms, inflicting 375000 Fire damage to players inside it every 1.5 sec.
    • Spell shaman improvedfirenova.png Burning Leg Sweep Magic Effect — Sweeps out with a burning kick, knocking down players within 10 yds for 4 sec. This lights targets aflame, inflicting 470250 to 519750 Fire damage immediately with an additional 265000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
  • Gang Ruffian
    • Ability rogue poisonedknife.png Poisonous Shank Poison — Step into the shadows and emerge behind a target, inflicting 238875 to 251125 Nature damage immediately with an additional 105000 Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec

Stage Two: The Fins

  • Tank Alert Mrrgria
    • Ability thunderking thunderstruck.png Thunder Ritual Important — Marks all players with a Thunder Ritual. Upon expiration, inflicts 512382 to 566318 Nature damage to all players within 5 yds.
    • Spell shaman tidalwaves.png Wash Away — Waves of water sweep in from the edges of the room, inflicting 831250 to 918750 Frost damage to players they collide with.
  • Shoreline Tidespeaker
    • Creatureportrait bubble.png Bubble Blast Interruptible — Sends forth a watery bubble. Players coming into contact with the bubble cause it to explode, inflicting 617500 to 682500 Frost damage and knocking players back.

Stage Three: Somewhere

  • Tank Alert Toe Knee
    • Spell fire playingwithfire.png Dashing Flame Gale — Dashes to multiple targets, striking them for 213750 to 236250 Fire damage and creating a Flame Gale at that location.
      • Spell fire playingwithfire.png Flame Gale — A blazing tornado forms, inflicting 375000 Fire damage to players inside it every 1.5 sec.
    • Spell shaman improvedfirenova.png Burning Leg Sweep Magic Effect — Sweeps out with a burning kick, knocking down players within 10 yds for 4 sec. This lights targets aflame, inflicting 470250 to 519750 Fire damage immediately with an additional 265000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
  • Tank Alert Mrrgria
    • Ability thunderking thunderstruck.png Thunder Ritual Important — Marks all players with a Thunder Ritual. Upon expiration, inflicts 512382 to 566318 Nature damage to all players within 5 yds.
    • Spell shaman tidalwaves.png Wash Away — Waves of water sweep in from the edges of the room, inflicting 831250 to 918750 Frost damage to players they collide with.


Item Type
 [Love's Intermission] Life Artifact Relic
 [Mrrmgmrl Grmmlmglrg] Frost Artifact Relic
 [Ruffian's Poisoned Blade] Iron Artifact Relic
 [Mantle of Conflicted Loyalties] Plate shoulders
 [Armguards of Burning Passion] Mail bracers
 [Blackfin Wristband] Leather bracers
 [Bracelets of the Sorrowful Bride] Cloth bracers
 [Mrrgria's Favor] Ranged DPS trinket
 [Toe Knee's Promise] Melee DPS trinket


Barnes yells: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this evening's feature presentation!
Barnes yells: Tonight... we meet two lovers born on opposite sides of Sentinel Hill.
Barnes yells: Divided by generations of enmity, they are brought together by passion for dance... and violence!
Barnes yells: As the song of their love rumbles across the fields, will it end in triumph... or tragedy? And now... on with the show!
  • Toe Knee yells: So ya wanna rumble, do ya?
  • Toe Knee yells: Let's dance!
During the fight
Toe Knee says: You're not thinking I'm someone else?
Mrrgria says: Mrgrlgrllrr.
Toe Knee says: Or that we've met before?
Mrrgria says: Grrmgmrlgmrrm.
Toe Knee says: I felt, I knew something never before was going to happen, had to happen. But this is so much more.
Mrrgria says: Mgrmglrm.
Toe Knee says: It's so much to believe. You're not making a joke?
Mrrgria says: Mlgrmgrlmgrmrrrmgrr.
Toe Knee yells: I'm just gonna... play it cool.
Phase 3
Toe Knee yells: It's you and me against the world, baby!
  • Toe Knee yells: Wanna go for a spin?
  • Toe Knee yells: Now that's what I call a hot foot!
Killed a player
  • Toe Knee yells: Beat it!
  • Toe Knee yells: Go on! Scram!
  • Toe Knee yells: A gang that don't own the fields, is nothing!
  • Toe Knee yells: I dug you punks a early grave!
  • Toe Knee yells: I'll never... stop saying... Mrrgria...
  • Toe Knee yells: There's a... place for us... somewhere...
Mrrgria says: Mrrmgmrlgmm.
Mrrgria says: Mrgrlglrllrr.
Mrrgria yells: Grlmgmmrr!


Patch changes

  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Hotfix (2024-01-22): Defeating Toe Knee too quickly will no longer prevent the encounter from continuing.
  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): Added

External links