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Only the Finest

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NeutralOnly the Finest
Start Rax Sixtrigger
End Rax Sixtrigger
Level 10-45
Category Stormheim
Experience 14,800
Rewards  [Magical Sprouting Beans]
or  [Shiny Gold Nugget]
19g 40s
Previous N [10-45] Eating Into Our Business
Next N [10-45G] Rigging the Wager


Collect 18 Patches of Fine Goat Hair from Silvertail Mountain Goats in Nastrondir.


Say, you're a pretty good hunter, eh? Maybe you could help these tauren out by stocking them with some rare furs. I'm sure they'd appreciate it when they got back!

I hear that Stormheim goat hair can be woven into all kinds of things. The rarest are from the silver-tail goats. I think I saw some in that mountain over there.

Why don't you go and fetch some? I'm sure them tauren would pay you handsomely!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Spell lifegivingseed.png [Magical Sprouting Beans] Inv ore gold 01.png [Shiny Gold Nugget]

You will also receive: 19g 40s


Make sure to get the good stuff!


You're back?

I mean... hey, you're back!

Well, the tauren haven't come back yet, but no worries, I'll take that stuff off your hands! Let me show you some of my prime trade goods.



  1. N [10-45] Eating Into Our Business
  2. N [10-45] Only the Finest
  3. N [10-45G] Rigging the Wager
  4. N [10-45G] A Stone Cold Gamble
  5. N [10-45] A Stack of Racks
  6. N [10-45G] Put It All on Red
  7. N [45G] Time to Collect

Patch changes

External links