Old Man Liang

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NeutralOld Man Liang
Image of Old Man Liang
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 1-20
Reaction Friendly
Location Wandering Isle
Status Alive
Vision of Young Liang and Shu.

Old Man Liang is a pandaren elder found at Liang's Retreat on the Wandering Isle. He once played with Shu all the time, but age has finally caught up to him, and he is no longer able to. Because of this Shu has become lonely and sulks within the Pool of Reflection.


  1. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Finding an Old Friend Activequest
  2. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] The Sun Pearl AvailablequestActivequest & N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] The Sting of Learning AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Shu, the Spirit of Water Availablequest



Age has caught up with me it seems. I cannot move as I once could, and so I've little left to offer my once friend...

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