Ogmot's Dream Journal

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  • Ogmot's Dream Journal
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • "The handwriting is barely legible, and the primitive sketches contained within are best described as... unsettling."
  • <Right Click to Read>
  • Sell Price: 200g

Ogmot's Dream Journal drops from Ogmot the Mad in the Wound of Silithus.


Ogmot's Dream Journal

Ogmot was just puny boy fightin at da war camp when da Masters first blessed me wit da visions.

I come to Silithus, to da great wound, seeking wonders.

Make Ogmot your vessel, Masters!

Last night, Ogmot dreams of great battle. Two fleets bashin on ocean of blood.

Shadows twistin beneath da ships, risin. Risin. Ogmot so happy watching the carnage!

Then Ogmot gets waked up by skitterin sounds. Stupid bugs!

Dont matter. Ogmot knows dese dreams soon come true.

Life comes back to dis wasted land.

First da bugs come. Now da gobbies skulkin round... Dey cravin da world blood... Ogmot am sure of it!

BAH! Let dem have dese drippins! Soon Ogmot gonna drink rivers of blood! Da Masters promise!

Today smoke rises up from da campfire. Smoke tells Ogmot good story.

Ogmot sees lady wrapped in dark swirlies. She leads herd of blind sheep.

Da sheepies follow her everplace she go. Do everthin she say. Never doubt lady.

She guide dem over tall cliff! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT! Stupid sheepies!

Da crows get fat eatin da sheepflesh. Da lady laugh as crows eat!

Ogmot laugh too!

Dat blade has shiny eye. Always watchin us. Why you no see it?

Three lies. Da first one been told.

Bound by dat throne? No. Free. Free!

Da next gonna come soon. Maybe dey see dis one.

Other hammers here now. Dey talk and talk bout Argus. Bout da one dat got wakened. Bout great victory dat our enemy not even notice.

But only Ogmot sees da visions. Other hammers not blessed by da Masters!

Ogmot share his dreams wit da others, but da skinny one just laugh.

Ogmot no like her.

Many days pass wit no visions.

Did Ogmot make da Masters angry?

Me gonna make sacrifice! Please da Masters.

Remember Ogmot!

Da star watchin Ogmot. Too shiny! Ogmot gonna hide from it!

Da dagger spoke true. It been too long since Ogmot got drowned.

Masters! No forsake Ogmot!

Da bones got picked clean, but Ogmot still get no visions. Da others laugh. Say Ogmot not devoted.

But me is da chosen one! Ogmot no lose faith!

Another sacrifice? Yes! One more of dem aint gonna be missed...

Roused by her screams. Stirred by da whispers.

A blessin from da Masters. Now Ogmot understand!

A door. A path. Ours... Ours...

Fool! Da circle awakened us all!


  • The name and flavor text for this item changed several times throughout the PTR. It was first named Journal of Ogmot the Mad with the flavor text being "This journal contains orders written to Ogmot by some distant master." The text was then changed to "Few pages of this tattered journal have survived the ravages of Silithus." The item was then renamed Visions of Ogmot the Steadfast, before the name and the flavor text were changed to their current version.
  • The content of the journal was originally much more formally written, before being edited to better suit the mannerisms of an ogre.
  • Ogmot's journal references other Old God-related quotes:
    • "Three lies. Da first one been told [...]." refers to Il'gynoth's line "The boy-king serves at the master's table. Three lies will he offer you."
    • The "path" relates to Il'gynoth's line "Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path."
    • The "circle" and Ogmot "drowning" refer to Il'gynoth's line "To find him, drown yourself in the circle of stars."


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • The "blade with a shiny eye" mentioned by Ogmot is likely the blade of Sargeras, which stands over the Twilight's Hammer camp.
  • The "dagger [that] spoke true" mentioned by Ogmot might be  [Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire].
  • The "Masters" mentioned by Ogmot may relate to Xal'atath's multiple lines referring to their masters, such as "I long for the day our masters can truly pass into this realm.". Alternatively, it may be about the Old Gods.
  • The first lie ("Bound by dat throne? No. Free. Free!") could refer to Sargeras's imprisonment at the Seat of the Pantheon, or to the Lich King in the Frozen Throne, or the N'Zoth in his prison.

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