Obtaining Ogre Offensive Orders (Horde)

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HordeObtaining Ogre Offensive Orders
Start Akrosh
End Dalgorsh
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 14,930 experience
Rewards 15g
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [35-40] Obtaining Ogre Offensive Orders.


Collect Crulgorosh's Orders and Thulgork's Orders at Mar'gok's Overwatch.


The upper bluff must be really important to the ogres. Two fancy looking ogre mages came down from there and starting ordering all the others around.

Go get those orders and meet up with my scout Dalgorsh on the upper bluff. They will be more useful to him up there.


Don't forget! Get the orders and take 'em to Dalgorsh further in.


Finally some help! I barely got out alive!

You have some ogre orders? Let me see...

Well that's not good news.


You will also receive: 15g


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